Uromastyx Pet Lizard Facts - Questions and Answers

Uromastyx Lizard Facts – Questions and Answers!

You have probably got very interested in pet uromastyx, or generally uromastyx as lizards. In this post, you will find uromastyx lizard facts – their lifespan, whether they are diurnal or nocturnal, how big they get and when they reach maximum size, their personality, what they eat and more!

What is uromastyx?

Uromastyx is a genus of lizards, also called spiny-tailed or dabb lizards, which come from hot and dry areas of the world. They belong to the agamid lizard family, which also include bearded dragons, Chinese water dragons and many more.

How to pronounce uromastyx?

The right way to say uromastyx is yoo-roh-mas-tee-ks. Pronounce the letter ‘U’ as in university and ending ‘styx’ as you would say the word ‘sticks’.

Are uromastyx venomous?

No, uromastyx are not venomous.

Where do uromastyx come from?

Uromastyx mainly come from hot rocky deserts of northern African countries, as well Arabian Peninsula. Some species also originate from Iraq, Iran, India, Pakistan, Israel and more.

What is uromastyx lizard lifespan?

Uromastyx live for around 15-20 years in captivity. They are slow growers, but a long lifespan is a great factor.

How big do uromastyx get?

Uromastyx Lizard Facts - Lifespan, Size, Diet Etc.
Uromastyx dispar flavifasciata

Various uromastyx species reach different sizes. Smallest uromastyx species such as U. geyri (Saharan) and princeps reach 10-14 inches (25.5-35.5cm) long, Macfadyeni reach 8-9 inches (20-23cm), ocellata – 11-12 inches (28-30cm).

Medium sized species reach 17-18 inches (43-46cm). The largest species – Egyptians, reach around 30-36 inches (75-91cm)!

How fast do uromastyx grow?

Uromastyx don’t grow fast, but in the captivity with good care, they can reach adult size much faster – in 3-4 years. In captivity it would take them an extra 1-3 years to reach full size.

What do uromastyx eat?

Uromastyx are herbivores, that eat mainly vegetables, green, fresh flowers. They also enjoy various seeds, occasionally bee pollen and various lentils. While some will take live bugs, it’s not recommended to feed any due to high protein content and possible damage to kidneys.

Are uromastyx pets friendly?

Yes, most uromastyx pets are very curious, friendly, personable and docile! While some might take time to acclimatize and trust you, it is worth the patience as they make beautiful and friendly pet lizards.

If a uromastyx was not handled before or is a baby, it can take some time for it to trust you. But it’s definitely worth it, as it will build the trust and bond.

Are uromastyx good for beginners?

Yes, uromastyx are good for beginners that have done their research. The main part is to supply nutritious greens and veggies, as well as the high heat and UVB (basking spots of around 122-131 F (50-55 C). But this can be done with preparation and high wattage heat bulbs, making it rather easy to keep uromastyx.

Do uromastyx bite?

Most uromastyx won’t bite. Even if extremely agitated, most will warn you first by striking with a tail, hissing or opening the mouth. Baby bites don’t hurt at all, while adults – can hurt to some extent. However, uromastyx are very friendly and rarely bite.

Are uromastyx diurnal or nocturnal?

Uromastyx are diurnal lizards, which means that they are active during the day and sleep at night.

Do uromastyx carry Salmonella?

Yes, Salmonella might be normally present in the digestive tract of uromastyx and all other reptiles. But if you regularly clean the tank and wash your hands after handling a uromastyx, you should not contract it.

Do uromastyx make good pets?

Uromastyx Pet Lizards Facts and Answers to Questions - Post

Yes, uromastyx make good pets, as they are curious, docile, active and rather easy to keep after the initial setup. Not only they are friendly and have expressive eyes, but most also develop gorgeous colors as they get older and don’t need to be fed any live bugs.

Do male or female uromastyx make better pets?

There is often no difference between male or female uromastyx, however in some species males become more colorful than females as they get older.

This is the case with u. princeps, philbyi, thomasi, ornate and yemenesis species. Both genders make great pets, and gender is hard and even impossible to tell anyways until your uromastyx reaches 2-4 years old.

Can uromastyx drop their tail?

No, uromastyx don’t drop their tail. If pulled, they try to strike with it or bite. If the tail gets broken or cut off, it might or might not regenerate.

Do uromastyx make noise?

No, uromastyx can’t make any noise. The only noise you can hear is hissing, when they are unhappy or feel threatened. They make also make a quiet clicking sound when you are handling them.

Are uromastyx arboreal or terrestrial?

Uromastyx are mainly terrestrial animals, which prefer to stay on the ground and to burrow. However, young uromastyx often love climbing on branches, rocks and platforms. Some species, such as ocellata, yemenesis and others, love climbing and stay active throughout their lives.

Do uromastyx shed?

Yes, uromastyx shed, just like other reptiles. Younger uromastyx will shed more because they are growing, and can shed as often as 3-4 weeks, while adults – only few times a year.

Is it easy to find a pet uromastyx for sale?

No, it’s not very easy to find a pet uromastyx for sale, but it’s very much possible. You won’t usually find uromastyx for sale in bigger pet stores, but smaller pet shops and private breeders will often have them for sale.

You can also rehome uromastyx, by finding advertisements online and meeting the breeder. While some species of uromastyx are harder to find than others (due to some countries’ laws and bans on exporting them such as Egypt and Morocco), you can still find captive bred babies.

Captive bred animals are always the better choice, as wild caughts will experience a lot of stress and might not adapt or survive. Do not try getting a wild caught if you are not an experienced reptile keeper. Taming a wild caught individual, unless it has been tamed in captivity before, can take weeks or even months.

Do uromastyx need water?

No, uromastyx come from very hot areas that don’t get much rainfall in a year. In the wild, uromastyx get all their water from food they eat, and while you can offer some water once a week, it’s not mandatory. You should avoid bathing or misting your uromastyx.

Do uromastyx brumate?

Yes, uromastyx lizards can brumate if you lower the temperatures and number of daylight hours in a day. This is often done because brumation promotes interest in breeding the next season. However, if you keep the same temperatures and number of daylight hours, your uromastyx might not brumate at all.

Are uromastyx hardy?

Yes, uromastyx are very hardy lizards. Because they come from very harsh conditions (high heat, little food, no water), they are resilient and hardy. They can survive off little food and no water for extended periods, and won’t show any symptoms is sick, for a long time.

If you are planning to get a pet uromastyx, you will benefit from the care and setup guides on this resource page. You can also find a list of uromastyx species with pictures and which make best pets in this post.